Category: Violence/War & Peace/Refugees

Ellen’s Broom

This is the first book I’ve been able to review before its actual publication. I guess that means The Pirate Tree is starting to get noticed! (The local librarians on the children’s floor in town will be relieved to have…

The Sandwich Swap

It’s nice to see children resolve their differences so quickly, and without the baggage buffers that adults put up. In The Sandwich Swap, Salma and Lily have a squabble over something dumb, which I’d guess could be the basis for…

MPSA Political Science Conference–call for papers

  Call for Papers for the 70th Annual MPSA Political Science Conference, April 12 – 15, 2012, in Downtown Chicago Paper Proposal Deadline: 10/14; Poster Proposal Deadline 12/2.    Submit a Proposal Research:   A conference with about 1000 panels in all subfields, including Politics, Literature…