A biography of Yoko Ono offers inspiration


Yoko Ono: Collector of Skies (Amulet Books), by Nell Beram and Carolyn Boriss-Krimsky, $24.95.

We can learn how others live from reading biography. We discover how many turn to talent and art to survive lonely childhoods or empty lives. As a real unfolds in the words on a page, we learn how others cope with isolation and loss and love. Through the stories of those who go before us we develop our own talents, our art, our unique style. We get to try out survival and coping strategies that have worked and avoid those that have failed for our heroes. We can mirror diverse paths and, if we’re also outcast, we can find connection with those whose lives mirror our own.  Yoko Ono: Collector of Skies, a poetic and sympathetic portrayal of the artist perhaps best known as the Beatle John Lennon’s wife, lets readers into the life and soul of a woman turned artist so we can see how she followed a path to practice her art to overcome an isolated and lonely childhood.  From the moment she began to write childhood haiku, she knew she was an artist. She grew fully into the role as she explored visual art, experimental music and performance art.

Her avant-garde style fed by a passion to bring art to the public, may have led her to become an outcast stung by the way most misunderstood her. Despite this, Yoko followed her own unique vision to create art that was ahead of its time, and only with time would it come to be celebrated.

Yoko’s heart-filled and, often heartbreaking, story will inspire young adults to follow their dreams and find beauty in all that surrounds them.

Kirkus Reviews said this biography is “a detailed portrait of a complex woman who for several reasons has a significant place in our cultural history. Even rabid fans of Lennon or the 1960s will find new information and angles in this searching study.”

This stunning biography is of a beautiful soul whose impact spans the globe and whose art has forged new ways of seeing the world.


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