What Happens When a Friend Changes? A Review of Weird Girl and What’s His Name

51TjHlUgXRL._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_Fans of the X-Files and other science fiction classics, Lula and Rory have been friends for years. Their dysfunctional families (Rory’s mother is an alcoholic, and Lula’s mother dropped her off at her grandparents and never looked back) and outsider status in their North Carolina town give them much in common. At the end of their sophomore year, Rory came out to Lula, but she still holds out hope that a romance can blossom between them. Now, one year later, Rory is going out for the high school football team—this once-fat kid is now large and strong thanks to an exercise regimen imposed by his boss and lover—and Lula feels betrayed and alone. After she discovers Rory’s affair with this much older man, she runs away, leaving him to deal with the consequences.

While Rory is certain of his sexual orientation, Lula questions hers. After an admired teacher disappoints her, she seeks out her mother in New Mexico and learns that her father is also gay. Lula has been running away from the truth for years; it is now time to face it and grapple with difficult questions about the way she has treated others around her.

Meagan Brothers narrates her third novel from both Rory and Lula’s points of view, offering readers different perspectives on the same events as well as aspects of their lives that the other friend does not know. Brothers explores what happens to a friendship when a friend changes—when Rory discovers his inner athlete, for instance, and when Lula strikes out on her own. Weird Girl and What’s His Name goes beyond stereotypes to offer a nuanced treatment of gender, sexuality, and sexual orientation, showing readers how a small Southern community can evolve when its people, young and old, embrace differences and truly listen to each other. Like many other contemporary YA novels, this one draws from fandom as Rory and Lula use the relationships between the X-Files’ Mulder and Scully to understand and speak about their own lives.

Weird Girl and What’s Her Name is one of the first YA novels from cutting-edge small publisher Three Rooms Press. “Inspired by dada, punk and passion,” this New York-based publisher is one to watch.

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