Category: Environment

Being God by B.A. Binns

  Happy Valentine’s Day from The Pirate Tree to you! Today I’m reviewing Being God by B.A. Binns, an unlikely choice for Valentine’s Day but a good one nonetheless. 17-year-old Malik Kaplan has a knack for making all the wrong…

Think Big

Think Big (Bloomsbury, 2012), written by Liz Garton Scanlon and illustrated by Vanessa Brantley Newton, champions art and creativity. Selected as a Scholastic Book Club book, the picture book follows a diverse set of students as they knit, draw, bake,…

Bonyo Bonyo

  Bonyo Bonyo, by Vanita Oelchlager, is a straightforward biography, told in the first person, with the voice echoing the oral tradition that once passed stories through generations. Bonyo was a Kenyan child from humble beginnings whose intrinsic determination and…

Freedom’s Hero: Frederick Douglass

FREDERICK DOUGLASS  for  KIDS, His Life and Times with 21 Activities  by Nancy I. Sanders This biography tells the surprising tale of one of America’s true heroes.  Clear and interesting prose is peppered with enough details to intrigue a child…